Quality Healthcare for Dogs & Cats
For over a decade, Maple Grove Veterinary Clinic in Caro, MI has provided high quality veterinary care for dogs and cats. Together with their dedicated staff, Dr. Michelle Anthony and Dr. Shaina Damm strive to provide patients with the best surgical, medical, dental and general healthcare. Our team is committed to providing pet parents with the resources and information they need to help their pets live long, happy, and healthy lives.
Here at Maple Grove Veterinary Clinic, we have a passion for compassion. We believe in promoting responsible pet ownership and will work with you to find the treatment and care that best fits your dog or cat’s needs.
Our Veterinary Services
Maple Grove Veterinary Clinic and Pet ReTREAT offers a wide range of veterinary services for dogs and cats in the following areas:
For any pet, a wellness examination is vital to detect early onset of disease. With early diagnosis, many diseases such as dental disease, diabetes, and heart disease can be treated and greatly improve the overall health and well-being of your pet. Early detection and treatment can also help extend your pet’s life. Dr. Michelle Anthony recommends annual comprehensive physical examinations, so we may establish a relationship with you and your pet, and provide appropriate preventative care for your pet.
Regular intestinal parasite screenings, heartworm testing, spay & neuter services, heartworm & flea prevention, and specialized blood tests, are just a few of the preventative measures we offer here at Maple Grove.
Dr. Michelle Anthony offers a full range of surgical procedures for our valued patients. From routine spay and neuter procedures, to detailed soft tissue surgeries – the Maple Grove Veterinary team will be with your pet every step of the way. Our surgical suite is fully outfitted with state of the art equipment to provide all of our patients with a successful surgical experience. Every patient undergoing general anesthesia has an IV catheter placed, so we may supplement IV fluids through the entire procedure. This allows us to maintain the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate at an appropriate level. Also, this allows for emergency medication to be given immediately if needed while under anesthesia.
All patients are also placed on a warm heating blanket to keep their body temperature normal during the surgical procedure. During the procedure a licensed veterinary technician monitors the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, depth of anesthesia, and oxygenation – and will alert Dr. Anthony is emergency attention is needed. Each patient is given a required pain medication throughout the procedure; along with pain medication to go home to keep our patients comfortable.
When it comes to your pet’s overall health, many people forget about the importance of oral health. Maintaining a healthy oral cavity is imperative, since dental diseases can be the leading cause for other serious health problems. We particularly worry about heart disease and kidney disease being a secondary issue from horrible dental disease. During your pet’s physical exam, Dr. Anthony will be able to determine the severity of dental disease that may be present, and will be able to further assess if any teeth may need to be extracted. When your pet comes in for a dental cleaning, they will be placed under general anesthesia for the entire procedure.
We now offer full mouth digital dental radiography, which allows Dr. Anthony to further assess the health and degree of diseases that is present in each tooth. From there, a licensed technician will ultrasonically clean each tooth, along with creating a clean slate and polishing all of surfaces of the teeth. Dr. Anthony then performs a comprehensive dental exam on all of the teeth, and can further determine the oral health treatment.
Here at Maple Grove, we provide an array of laboratory services to help further diagnose and detect early signs of diseases or complications. Our in-house laboratory is equipped with precise hematology and chemistry analyzers, which provide exact measurements of internal organ function and complete blood cell counts. Routine blood work is extremely important in providing baseline data for all of our patients, and may alert Dr. Anthony to any changes that may be occurring in our patient’s organs.
These blood results may help Dr. Anthony to appropriately diagnose a current health concern, and also provide a clearer path for treatment. In the event that we may need a specialized blood or diagnostic test performed, we have the ability to submit our patient’s blood to an outside veterinary diagnostic laboratory for further testing.
Radiography is a highly valuable diagnostic procedure, which allows our Doctor to clearly and easily visualize what may be occurring within our patient’s organs and bones in a very non-invasive way. We are proud to offer the most up to date digital radiography equipment for all of our patient’s here at Maple Grove. Compared to traditional radiography, digital radiography allows our team to take multiple radiographic images within a short period of time, and provides a safe experience for our patients and staff, as it only requires a small amount of radiation to create an image.
Along with full body radiography, we also provide full mouth digital dental radiography, which allows us to further evaluate the health and strength of our patient’s teeth. Dental radiography is always performed under general anesthesia for better positioning, and accuracy of the imaging.
Microchipping provide with a safe, permanent way to identify your pet in the event they become lost. The microchip is about the shape and size of a grain of rice and is placed just under the loose skin at the back of the neck. When a lost dog or cat is found, a veterinary technician or veterinarian will use a microchip scanner to check for a chip. If the pet has one, its number will be transmitted to the scanner and the pet owner’s contact information can be retrieved.
Vaccinations are the first step in preventing widespread disease across the animal population. By providing vaccinations, and keeping your pet up to date on vaccines, we as a veterinary community are protecting and improving the overall quality of our patients, and protecting our clients from zoonotic diseases (diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans).
When given a vaccination, your pet’s body will begin to trigger an immune response. This response allows the immune system to start developing antibodies that will identify and destroy the particular disease causing organism, and protect your pet from the disease. We offer a wide variety of vaccinations for our feline and canine patients, and strive to educate our client to better develop a vaccination protocol for each and every patient.
Maple Grove has provided pet boarding services in Caro, MI since 2008. Our “overnight camp”, Maple Grove Pet ReTREAT provides dogs and cats with comfortable, safe, and relaxing boarding services. We provide each camper with an individual campsite and the utmost care and attention.